Friday, April 17, 2009

hv no title....

I still remember the first time tat i wan tt vif 'ta' i din start 2 pay attention 2 'ta'...since i din tt there again... after my skul sukan tara...i went 2 my another tt i saw him again....tat time he make me feel interested 2 'ta'...tat day i start 2 regard him...juz one day...i still remember hw he look like...wear wat colour spec...wear wat colour watch...take wat fon n wat colour tat fon...wat look tat he was tried...after tat day i din saw him anymore...i noe i still cn meet him in sun if i change my time tat day i nt always free at one sun...i tries 2 meet him...tat day he wore red colour shirt,when he cum in the class i turn my head bhide n look n c...he bought a little smile in the classroom...^^tat day i juz use my cool look looking at him...haiz...thnk bck tat...i really feel stupid...don noe wat 2 say....since stupid til i look search him in fs...n one page one page go n 60 smthngs pages i start 2 saw him edi...tat time i shout out...vy happy i don hv courage 2 add him...wait n wait n wait...til i said hey hai 2 him the time of day...he oli cum n add me...i noe tat i no time 2 on9 cz of SPM tis year bt i oso tries 2 wait n wait 4 it...when i on my msn in the day b4 yesterday...i saw 2 person add me one is my cousin from hk n one is him...of cz tat time vy happy n quickly add bck ppl lah...ok fine...yesterday i was rushing my seni projek n din bother ppl was on9...den my sis told me he is here...tat time i am waiting him 2 find me since i was hw busy am i...haiz...vy dissapointed i make my face ugly again 2 say hai 2 him...i noe tat he was noe tat someone hu tell him i am interested 2 him...i really don hv any place 2 stand...i really don hv face 2 c ppl n my frenzs hu noe him...i really don noe wat 2 do class buddies told me he noe mai gud nin keep so long i told her if he noe i sure keep away from him...haiz...i hate it...n i start 2 keep away myself...