Friday, May 29, 2009

27th of MAY...

27th of may tat day i was nt happy at all,n a vy moody day in tat day.Morning woke up ask misya (maid) made me a cup of mil to me. Before drunk milo my stomach gt abit pain. So i din bother my stomach and juz let it pain. When i woke up tat moment i really feel vy tired and want to tell mum tat i don wan go 4 skul tat day.Bt i am a penolong ketua darjah in class hw come absent in class?So i make a big decision to go for skul. In school some teachers gave bck those exam paper 2 us and it were nt my target.It make me more moody tat day. Whatever how i worked hard i don thnk sometimes it will success.I sat on the chair in the sc lab,suddenly my mind came out a person...tat is sunny...hw come is him?I used my liquid paper n wrote his name on the lab table.I asked myself why i wan so stupid?People was running from me and he was nt trying too.Ya i admit i like him.He cnnt stop me 2 like him.That i knew tat he had knew tat i was liking him bt i tried 2 act like happen bout him?Did he thnk about me?That he hurt me once and once.Tat day moody juz had 2 reason tat were sunny and my result.I knew that i am not a type of person who like 2 gv up smthngs.I tried to give myself a chance.Bt tis time i cnnt do for it.I even cnnt forgive myself why i gt a result like tat and y i wan met him and y i wan like him.Maybe tis call feeling of affinity.Last time he treated me like a shit tat time i really 4gt n gv up edi but afer a few days he treated me good as like a hell.NW????How he treat me?HAH!!! NOW treat me like a 流浪狗.Find him running from me,chat vif him off9.I knew it.I really knew it.Ya everyone gt their own secret.What is my secret?What feeling tat he running from me?What feeling tat i like him so much?What felling tat i miss him everyday?what feeling tat i close my eyes i saw him everydays?Did he noe?haha if knows i thnk i really cn kill myself.Ya nw i know he becomes leng zai,powerful,attract alot of gals.Because he attracted me tat y i like him n put my heart n time on it...wat he gv bck me afer tat?= EMPTY!!!NTG!!! and don disturb me.
He din say out from him mouth bt i cn feel the ans from him.YA i admit i easier to thnk negative way(not sex) .What cn i do?STOP CONTACT WITH HIM!!!!THAT ALL!!!!haiz....