Friday, October 7, 2011



Friday, September 16, 2011

Between of us.

姐姐说:人生就如钢琴上的黑白键盘。 每当一个音符在跳动时,都代表着不同的情感和感觉。 88个黑白键盘让我们充满着快乐,伤心,幸福,希望和色彩的人生。。。



Tuesday, September 13, 2011



Friday, August 5, 2011


What am I doing nowadays?
Sometimes I am really confuse to know what am I doing.
Sometimes everything not just using thinking and really can make it happen.
But this week I end up one project that I gave myself, because I don't wish to waste time.
I am wonder am I doing this is a right way and wrong.
I don't care people that doesn't support me, I am trying my best to do that.
Because I know everything should try and learn for the lesson.
This few days, I watched a movie called 《团圆》 is a hong kong drama.
It made my memories back from last time, this memories not a good and happy memories.
And it isn't a family memories, this memories made me though back the thing had happened to me one year ago.
I know I am giving myself a excuse, I know I should face it and not just running away the problem.
This few days, my temper really weird, I will suddenly don't wish to talk to my family.
I know that I am changing, because I have my new life in Sunway that living alone and sometime seldom talk to people.
Even my best friend kit yan and kit mei also knew it, I had change since I went to KL.
Everything will change, human, environment even the person who love you.
However the time need to go too.
And I need to be tough and strong to fight for my future.
God bless.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


F***!!!! I wouldn't like to scold rude word here.
But I really really angry about that.
Why you all always last min only let me know.
Why always happened this fucking shit stuff .
Damn it...
Ask me how to settle it?
Tell me?

Monday, July 18, 2011


I am searching what I wanna do now.
Confuse!!! confuse!!! confuse!!!
Even having a break now, but I still can feel the heavy stress that make me can't breath.
Finally that I know I am lost now.
Where am I? Where should I start from here?
Am I starting to run or I still keep walking and standing here?
Last night can't sleep well and even I sleep I fall into a scary dream.
Dream a lot of stuff that I thinking to do.
It was a nightmare.

I really need someone to guide me now.

Having semester break now again.
Don't know why I feel very stress.
I suppose distress now, but I din't feel anything now.
Mum told me if I register PTPTN, I can't oversea after graduate.
But what can I do?
This is my only way I can do for myself.
Is 240 now, I can't sleep now.
In this semester, I found out myself is so scary?
What am I doing?
What happened to me?
I really wish to know.
I feel that I am changing and change a lot.
Change to very scary, I totally can't recognize myself already.
I really need someone guide me and I need someone talk to me.

Friday, July 8, 2011

A love will harm you.

Don't know why, you make me worry about you.
I saw your pain from your heart.
But you don't want to tell people about that.
Will you feel happy?
Some day, I try to make you smile , play with you , make you happy because I don't wish you sad and emo like last time.
Some told me about you loving chasing her.
Ya, I can see it and you already know she rejected you, but why you still want to force yourself to make her love you?
Love can't force.
I know that call love,but I really don't wish you gave people said you are stupid and so on.
I feel so sad and pain about that, because you are my friend.
I hope you can stop it, and of cause I don't wish you to unhappy again.
If you feel want to tell others about your secret, I will always here for you.
Just out your word. Let me get into your world.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Semester break again soon.

Already get in to my course major.
This is the short semester and it really rush for every subject that I take in this semester.
Every semester need to go through a lot of things and learn a lot of different things like moral, attitude on assignment and etc.
Feel very happy in this semester, wondering why also.
I don't wish to happen same thing like last semester.
I am trying to open minded and relax myself here.
Want to be a open- minded designer.
I already came back from Sunway, feel distress here... super and super distress here.
Relax, without stress.
Ya, sometime stress make people move , but my stress make me feel like dying.
Can't breathe at all. OMG!!!!
So what I did in this few days?
I went to bought some snack here to bring back to Sunway tomorrow.
Go back again, and stress again... scary...
The life there is really really scary isn't because of human there because I already use to it.
Is because my assignment. My lovely Simon ( assignment).
Many people thought study design is just a very simple things.
NO~ they are wrong, imagine if we din't have any idea for out artwork, where are we going to vomit out?
Idea will kill us. OKOK!!!
Open-minded, don't care what people said.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Went out at midnight with a bicycle.

Wah... That not cool seriously. Every time I will very nervous when I cycle with my course mate in the big road outside our garden. They live so far away from our college and they need a bicycle to class, otherwise they will late to class... Every time when I was at their house, they will always go out and some time no choice I need to follow. Because of some issue. And that issue is scary too, some time I don wish to happen and it happen. Today is Friday, Pyramid is a very scary place when midnight. I was so scare that I was cycled with my mate and a lot of people drunk there, they drive very fast and some of them don't even see us. Or maybe the bicycle is too tall for me too so I can't break some times. I can't imagine if I have an accident here what will happen going on... Just don't think too much and think positive...

Saturday, May 21, 2011

I think I'm jealous?

I know I am not a guy in our family.
I just a little girl, and can't speak out sometime.
But I already use to it.
What to do?
They don't accept what girl opinion.
OK. Fine!!!
But why always I am the last one who get it?
But why so unfair?
But why always I am the last one?
But why always I am the loser!?
But why always I use people's old thing?
I don't want to be a loser anymore!
I am not a rubbish bin!!!
I am not that kind and friendly anymore!
Maybe that call jealous!!!
But if you all don't wish to have a girl in your family.
You know what?
I always act that I'm happy, friendly,nothing,don care and nice in front of you all.
I feel I am so tired.
Sorry, I am not that happy and good ok?
Start now, if you all don respect me, then I am fine.
I won't respect you all too loh....
This is what you all want right?
OK... I understand what should I do now.

Monday, May 16, 2011


Maybe that not true...
Maybe I just feel lonely...
Maybe I nothing to do...
Maybe I think too much...
Maybe I should reject it...
Maybe I should accept it...
Maybe make it naturally...
Maybe stop being a good friend...
Maybe stop thinking...
Maybe should tell him/her....
Maybe and Maybe...
But now,
I really don't know.
What can I do!!!!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Since when?

Don't know since when I treat him so good.
And many people start to incredulous about that.
What will happen coming on.....
No one will know.
He seen like not care and very blur.
Does he really understand or just act like don't know nothing?
The whole brain is him.
Angry him always forget his promised.
Since when I start to miss him?
I can't concentrate on my study now.
That too annoying.
I hate it......

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

First day of 3rd semester!!!!

Went to class today at 10am.
What is my feeling of today?
Excited? Nervous? Happy?
No!!!! I am worrying....
Will I going to meet a same things like last semester?
I am scare!!!!
What can I do?
I think a lot today.
They had a lunch together but I din't join.
I feel like I need to keep away from them.
Is it because of I am scare to get hurt again?
I don't know.
I feel stress and tension.
This is what my feeling now..
Just now, I went dinner with my orientation friends, that we had been together for one year.
Xiow Yin is a friend that with a same birthday with me.
She asked me, when she looked my side face.
She feel that I am lonely and unhappy, asked me is it everything ok?
I answered yes!!!! I just woke up.. no worry, I am fine here.
I believe that she know what happened to me, because I told her before.
Ya!!! She is right! I am sad here. And worrying a lot of things...
Oh God!!! Please help me..... What should I do?
What is the next step?

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Going back!!!

Later 145 pm train.
Going back with bro.
Will meet yee at KL Central.
Always after semester break, I will always don wish to go back.
I feel I not brave and scare everything.
Because some of my friends there are very scary.
And gave them hurt a lot.
I know I should be strong and tough, but I really can't do it.
I always just act happy and fake smile with them.
They really thought me that I am really happy.
Nowadays din't sleep well, because there really stress.
There really a stressful and scary life.
What can I do is only can protect my own self there.
I already grown up, I shouldn't always dependent people as he said.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

My Sassy girl...

What a touch movie? Today I watch america style" My Sassy Girl" movie.
It talk about he had a girlfriend that very silly and crazy. Do what she want. In this movie I am so pity about that guy. They love each other, but previously, the girl can't forget her Ex boyfriend so she drunk and meet the guy. In this story, they have a very happy ending and it compare with Korea style it doesn't. Korea one got 2 part, first is talk about how her boyfriend die because she misunderstanding to shoot him as a thief and second part is talk about he meet a guy look likes her EX. Actually they are the same story, just the ending different. For my comment, I like Korea one.. Because it show a lot, it more touch that America style one... I can see it. The theme of this movie, is talk about the guy how he loves her girlfriend and even how her girlfriend was so barbarous to him. That a really touch story. I cried in the ending. I can't stop my tear. I love this movie, of cause I wish to have a boyfriend like him. That so sweet.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Now I should put more effort to my project and assignment...
Coming the new semester.
Stop playing already.
Passed is passed.
I want hardcore, I want everything hardcore.
Never mind that they don't treat me good or treat me as a friend.
I don't care, I know who is my real friends.
Who put heart on me.
Thanks friends.
I know what should I do now.
I am ready to face it.
solve it.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Sometime really wish to give up!!!

Human being is so scary now.
Even man , woman or my classmate.
I am getting start to scare them.
New semester is coming soon.
Going back to Sunway soon.
But now I really feel stress the life there.
Yan had gave up.
Should I?
The life there are so crazy and silly.
They even don't care your dying or living there.
At there sometime is really hard to find a real friends there.
Even u bring your heart to friend with them, maybe they aren't.
They always said "you should say out! Let us know what are you thinking."
But I prefer I just keep quiet and talking nothing there.
This is what I want.
In my patient, I already live there have been one year.
In this short one year, I really learned a lot of things.
I know how to protect myself and see through all friends who is a right friend.
Thanks God!!!! He guard me, He lead me.
I understand I should stand straight and look clear.
The end of this semester, really thanks her to helped me.
I am so glad to have a friend like her. Thanks Yik Hua.
Between that, I knew I had a group of selfish friends.
They din't even care about me.
Why should I live because of them.
They are really bullshit.
So what. huh?
I should live with those people who treat me right.
Forget about who don't.
Life is short. Art is long.
This is what my lecturer- Daniel told me.
Live because of own-self.
Create more art and design.
Make the world full of art and design.
Do what you want to do and what you thinking now.
Why are you still sitting there.?
Come on!!! Moving!!!!
And stop the give up thinking.....

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

When I am alone.

Just went back to home, a very tired day. But still need to get the approvement from J of the poster. Waiting her and helped her did a lot and din't sleep well for a few days. Now I'm alone in mum's room. Tonight is windy night, the song of the night is so peace. In Sunway, I din't really listen to this kind of nature song for a long time. My mind is peace and thinking nothing, so wish to have a life like now forever. Now, when I talk with parents or sister, I will I really mature a lot. Not like last time immature bin. Maybe I already use to it for my life now, I see more, I learn more, I feel more and even I listen more. The world is getting changing now.That a really scary world now. No one will know what will going to happen tomorrow. Because of Japan Tsurami and earth quake everyone is talking about the end of the world. Since I am a designer, I would like to imagine how the world coming to be. And sometimes really talk about the end of the world crap story to my younger sister. For me, some time I wish to give up. But I know I can't. How hard is it I also need to do it. I like to sit alone and think a lot of things. Since I was sleeping, my brain still moving and thinking a lot of stuff.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

When the day start.

When the day start, I am nobody in that world.
I lived in my own little world.
Because that too many enemy in my world.
I scared and fought for my safety.
That really scary, no one help me no one save me.
And I ran and ran, I ran to a very fantasy and a peace world.
There had a lot of angel and fairies.
That really beautiful place,when I smiled to little fairies.
I saw a huge flowering cherry in front of me.
I walked there, I closed my eyes and wished.
" I wish I having a peace life now forever."
But it was just a dream.
When I opened my eyes, the colorful world was gone.
That a lot of evil coming to me.
They are laughing to me.
They want to kill me.
I closed my eyes again.
But it doesn't back to a beauty world.
They shoot me.
They are chasing me.
There are coming more and more evil.
I closed my eyes, and I think positive.
And I feel a very strong power that comes to me.
My body grows a pair of wing, the Sun light comes to me.
I opened my hand and absorb the energy.
When I opened my eyes, I wore a beautiful white long dress.
And fly to kill those evil.
But how strong am I, I still get hurt.
I know however I cried, it doesn't use.
Because I should be tough and strong.
Since I was fighting, an evil came and bite me.
I was blooding, I killed every evil included myself.
Because I going to be an evil too.
When my mind refresh, those evil are my lovely friends.
But they ..............................................................




Saturday, April 9, 2011

Stop to do those things to me!!! PLEASE!!!!!

Just don't know why, I really don't like those dependent people. Come on man! How old are you, still want people accompany you go toilet and everywhere? Some more always asked me when I was super busy time. Do you know WHAT? I HATE IT!!!! So did I ask you to accompany me go anywhere? And don't know why and I really hate those girl act cute sound... What man? Be yourself... Guys can tahan and like it but I'm not guys ok? Please stop that!!! and Please don't let me scold out. I don't wish to scold people.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I can't breath at all...

Suddenly have that feeling to kill myself when I am having super big pressure here. I post " I can't breath at all." in my MSN personal status in the whole day. Ate bread for my meal in 3 to 4 days. Without protein and nutrient. So now when I breath I feel my gastric pain again. Not a normal gastric pain. And I am trying to do my assignment, my lovely buddy Yan , comment me and ask how about me. She is the first and the only one who care and take note on my status. She always help me, comfort me and support me when I having trouble and stress here. Some time when I am emo and sad , I don't know go where to find a person to talk, but she is the one who automatically came and ask me. I am so glad and touch that I have a buddy like her. Even my parents also din't call me and ask about my life here, I wish they know there. I know everyone having a same stress and tension too, but I think my stress is double than them, the reason why just Yan will know about it. The time passed so fast, dateline of final is coming soon. In this semester, I like did nothing. And can't see my improvement at all, what the problem to me? I really need to have a big big rest without thinking any idea of assignment and project. I am really lack of idea now.....................................

Saturday, March 19, 2011

REST, but not ME

Shut down my phone.
Off the line of facebook and MSN.
Lock myself in the room with the table lamp.

Let them REST one day.
Listen to the soft music.
Listen to the bird singing.
With the cold wind.
Do my assignment Silently.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

I am nobody T________T

I live is because of you all.
I die is because of myself.
Because I am nobody in your heart.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I am so Foolish!!!!

Again and again....
Before I sleep I will wish that hope can see him tomorrow again....
Before I sleep I will wish him have a nice day and have a sweet dream....
Before I sleep I will wish we will meet in the dream...
Before I sleep I will wish my dream come true...
Before I sleep I hope my foolish thinking is true....
Maybe that really immature, but I really wish to have it.... XD

Tuesday, March 15, 2011





Monday, March 14, 2011

他的微笑。 =)

记得上个星期三,是快要上drawing class, Computer Graphic 完了就和一班女朋友去吃午餐。
在明天,我们遇见刚好要离开的junior, 然后把他们的位子让了给我们。
当时的我啊!满脑都是assignment和final project。真的很烦啊!

Sunday, March 13, 2011



Friday, March 11, 2011

Look back and think back.

I am emo , sometimes is because of the assignment. But I already use to it.
In one day, I felt I did somethings wrong, I went to apologize to my friends and also asked about my mistake.
They said I didn't make any mistake, maybe I really think a lot of it.
So, I tried to text my buddy-Yan. And told her my story and she told a lot of things and comfort me too. In that time, I thought back the passed time that we were in secondary school. We are mature now. The thinking of us are different compare with last time, it should be happy. But I was really immature and damn stupid, I told Yan and myself I won't make the same mistake again. In this few days, I didn't crazy as last time, before I do something I will think before. My dad always think 3 times before you do that thing. Last time, I really didn't listen to him. But now, I find out why he told me that. Is because he loves me, he don't want me to get hurt and distort my life and future. Sometime must get hurt, no pain no gain. And learn from the mistake. Maybe now isn't late that I wake up now, but I really can't forgive the mistake that I did. What should I do now? I don't wish to make them disappointed to me again, I didn't said out the mistake to them. Passed is passed , Over is over. Forget the pass, select the future. Look back and think back the mistake that you did and learn from it. Make sure you won't do that again. =)

Life~ Part 1.

Everyone born out to this world they may need to accept the challenge in this crazy world.
Everyone sure will did somethings wrong and made themselves can't live in this world anymore. So they kill themselves in a secret way. Ya, maybe they didn't know and think about their friends and family will sad. But we should understand them and respect their situation. People said nothing that can't solve in this world, say out, cry out or let it pass with the time. Ya, it will feel better, everyone maybe will forgive them or even the God too. But the only one can't forgive is themselves.
Sometimes, when I am alone I will think about a lot of things. Why people will never give up and live in this world, even how poor they are or how ugly they are, no one will accept them. But they really word hard and study hard to get back to confident from people and the dignity too.
But when I saw those rich people wasting foods, their time and money, if the time they really break down, I won't help them and pity them. These kind of people they are useless. And a lot of people because of money to do somethings wrong to earn money. Money is really important to this world that I can understand everyone will like rich people a lot. Money that can buy a lot of things of cause, but a very funny thing is money will harm people to lost a lot of things too. Example like friendship, family ship, and also their beauty in the heart. The social now is very reality ,everyone likes beauty from outside. Is this important? Nope!!!! I disagree. Beauty is from heart and not the look. When you say people fat, super thin, very short and etc please think about how the feeling if you give people say like that? And also think about yourself is it prefect or not?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Sun and the Sunflowers.

The Sun will always never know the story behind of the sunflowers.

Sunflower always very confident stand straight and smile to the Sun. Acting like it is very happy and confident. Because of that, the Sun will never ask sunflower about unhappy things. But as we know, sunflower will wilt when sunset.

One day, the Moon met sunflower and ask " Why are you so unhappy there? I though you are always is a very happy flowers in this world. No troubles, and very friendly too."
Sunflower answered "I am just acting happy and confident in front of the Sun and day. I want everyone be happy like me too. I keep my sadness in night, because that no one will know and see actually I am sad here. I don't wish to bring the sadness to everyone. Life should be happy. Although how sad am I, I will always act strong and tough in front of the sun. But I will tired, I wilt when you are here because you and night will understand me."

In this story, I think everyone is acting the same character like sunflower. Who will understand you? This world just have one or two person will really understand the story behind of you. I like sunflower because I am acting the same character of it. Happy it doesn't need money to get it. I am so happy and glad that I have Moon and night will understand me.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011



Monday, February 21, 2011

Why you want appear suddenly?

You came out suddenly , and stole away my heart and smile. Then leave me alone again. Please return back my heart and smile to me. It's belong to me. Don't you know, how the pain of hurting? May be you don't. Because of you, I really learned play on the safe side so I don't get hurt anymore. But you appeared suddenly, I haven't ready yet. Saw your back leaving away from me, my heart start to pain again. I wish to run to you and hug you from your back. But after I crossed the road, you disappear again. Why? Now I understand what you said to me last time, because it happen to me this few days. I should be more strong and tough, don't you know how much I missed you. Even every night, I nightmare also. That really scary and wish to open my eyes you will beside me. But it won't happen again anymore. =)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A day when I saw a lot of couples.

I am single and doesn't have my Mr Right celebrate with me. Valentine's day went to have lunch with classmate, on the way to pyramid there had a lot of people selling roses beside the road. When I got in to Pyramid, saw a lot of couples that holding flowers and a big bear , of course the most important was their lovely partner . Quite a romantic couples. Although I am not the one of the couples, and I din't feel like hella admired them, but they really sweet. Wish to have the day that I and my Mr right are the couples of them. And I told my classmate- Yi Ling that I want flowers, asked her to buy for me. But she answered me that she had no money, on the way back to class she picked a hibiscus from a hibiscus tree. XD And that time I realized, hibiscus was so nice. In that moment , I found out a thing that I believe everyone who is single will meet their Mr and Miss Right one day. Just need to be patient wait for that day come true. =)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's day~

What? Valentine's day? HAHA~ funny... Alone again. It should be sad, but for me I am use to it. Every year of Valentine's day, thats doesn't have any partner who celebrate with me. Should will have, but the relationship can't stand for a long time. Of course, I wish to have a new partner, but I don't even have a time to sleep at all. And some more, I am that kind of scary person , that no one will admired me. Haha, what a funny thing? Ya~ single and available will be more better and freedom. Of course I love freedom the most. I don't allow people who care me a lot. Even my parents too. Any way Happy Valentine's day to all my friends, erm to those who haven have a partner yet, don't be sad. He or she will appear in front of you one day. And wish you all guys Happy Single's day. =) Enjoy your day.....

Monday, February 7, 2011

Who is she????

She was my mo-niter in my secondary school last time. Went out with her last Saturday, but she still looks same as last time. Looks rushing and busy. She should enjoy the life she has. She was a top students in my school last time, every teacher sure will know about her. Good result!!! Good in curriculum!!! Good in respond!!! Good in attitude!!!! Good in sport!!!! We are partner last time, although I wasn't a top student and partner, but I think I helped her a lot and knew a lot of things from her. She helped me always and I won't forget her-my lovely Poi Yee.


My mum woke up early in this morning. She went to market to buy chicken and so on. But I still doing piggy at home. When I was almost awake my mum was busying in the kitchen. When I went out from my room, I smell a tasty and nice smell from kitchen. My mum she din't cook all the time to us but it really yummy. I love my mummy so much..... ~.~

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The memories that they gave to me in 2011 Chinese New Year...

It was a nice and funny memories that they gave to me in this Chinese New Year. I suppose to hate Chinese New Year this year but they gave me a happy memories. Since we knew each other in 2009 until now. I won't forget their smile and laugh in my mind.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Assignment I really love you.....

OMG!!!!! Assignment~ When only wanna to start.....????????

Figure studies~ 2 portrait , 2 male nude references , 2 female nude references and 4 pieces manikin studies (4x3=12) manikin studies.....~
Drawing color wheel~
Bahasa Kebangsaan~
History of Art- ME ME ME~
Letterform and Calligraphy~

OHHHHH NO!!!!!!! my Chinese New Year holiday assignment.................................. =(

I hate Chinese New Year.....

I was so excited to back to hometown last week. I wished to back not because of Chinese New Year and not because of wanna celebrate Chinese New Year. I knew that it wasn't a good and nice Chinese New Year this year. Finally I was back to hometown but I don't wish to happen it and it happened. Everyone so happy to celebrate and decorate house, last year and I was young my house every year will decorated but this year when I was home, it doesn't have any decoration. That no feel to have Chinese New Year... I hate to see them... I don't want home anymore next time..... Chinese New Year everyone have a nice and sweet smile on their face but.... Now everyone who beside me face black.... Fuck off.... I hate Chinese New Year......

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Story between him and her....



















Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I am freaking emo...ING.... here

Monday.... Raining day....
Everyone have a pair of people to share an umbrella....
And I so lucky I bought umbrella to college
So I and him within an umbrella....
I am short and he is tall^^...
"Do you want me to hold the umbrella for you?"
"Ennnn.... ok ahhh....^^.."
He hold my hand first and took the umbrella....
Although we wet a bit, but quite fun....^^
But I din't care about him start from that day....
No Class....
"Later your XXX angry then you know."
"No!!! Don't believe it, we just play only."
"WHAT????? You said play? Ok , play lah... now u say play... Fine...
Went to have lunch with classmate.....
"Voon bin, why you wear so nice today?"
"Haha, why?"
"Because you always wear slippers , short pants and t-shirt."
"Ya meh? Because wanna to see you so wear nicer to match back you...^^"
"Voon Bin, Why you so cultured when you eat.?"
I was so tired that time....
"Don't care about me."
"What? You said don't care about you one huh? You said one!! and Tommy here....Ok!!! Today is 14/1/2011, 1 something, I and you Voon Bin start from now we break."
He din't talk to me since he said break this word...........
I asked all my classmate why and what wrong to him, but one told me , he always like that and another one asked me "Did you said something hurt him or when he emo?"
"I think so, I just said DON'T CARE ABOUT ME!!!....."
I walked his place and called his name but he din't care me at all....
Last time , after morning class he will asked me go with them to have lunch and after class he will asked me "Do you wan me to fetch you home?"
But after that day, he din't asked me anythings, and din't talk to me at all..........
It doesn't feel good, because he was always playing with me and crap with me last time. But now, I feel I lost somethings , and the heart like crying.
Having a very confuse feeling now, and don't know what he thinking....
I am really emotional here, unhappy, sad, heartache ,I can't imagine I have this feeling again......
I just want to have that time with him last time......
And I like to see his face bring along his smile. That nice.... ^^

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I can't believe it real....

OMG!!!! What the hell feeling that I having now? It wasn't real, but now I like missing some one that I should miss. I can't believe that a lie become real. Haiz What can I do now? I don't wish to fall in love to some one... Because I am really busy, but I was so hurt again that he treat me cool. I don't like the feeling he treat me. I think I will keep this secret until the end..............................