Monday, January 5, 2009

first day in skul..

2day is first day in my new skul life in 2009 (F5). happy tat i meet back all my frenzs buddies n them so muz...all oso same look din change many oso...some of them the hair straight jor...haha...n the special one is all oso wear new uniform n new shoes...tis year oso the last year in my skul (PGS)...although the skul change til so nice bt i oso won b selfish 2...vy thanks you our principle miss lim...tis friday we nin 2 say bye bye 2 her she nin 2 leave our skul...i noe tat she did many thngs gud 4 us...sometimes tat we thnk she hw bad n so she always support bhide us...gv alot her support 2 us...ok tok bck 2 my buddies frenzs n 2day we really gv a big hug 2 each others...really happy...i so scare tat the time run really fast den we wan nin 2 say bye bye i sure miss u all so some of those teachers tat we really nt argee they teach us....juz like last year when they teach we really don und...hate them so muz...really don like hope 2 change of them...haiz...tis is oli bad mud in we r having a super study year don hope gt those lazy teachers 2 teach us...haiz... n tat one more tat make me bad mud is tat our 5PE in Block E top there...OMG!!!so high when we recess we nin 2 spend our time quickly go 2 the canteen...haiz...n the canteen so far from our class 2...OMG!!!y some F5 class in Block E one...haiz...suan lah...the last year in skul so tot it 2 keep fit wat...all oso hope 2 hv a slim body...although it cn c the whole world...wakaka so kua...n vy bright n vy cold 2...vy nice place bt it really high...haiz...tat my nw tok bout my tuition time lah...OMG!!! more sui...mon tues wed thurs fri sat n sun all days oso nin 2 tt man...haiz...nvm lah...bcz of my future wat oso wan 2 do d hope all F5 ppl in tis year wish u all gud luck 2...gambatte let do our bez in our last year in skul....

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