Monday, July 28, 2008

she was left...

Today is 28th of july...this morning i woke up at 310 a.m. i din go skul 2day...i went 2 KLIA...2 say gud bye 2 my most important person....tat is my 2nd eldest one cn sit her place in my life...we reach KLIA around 6a.m. her plane time hvn we slp inside the car...after we take our breakfast in mcd...we really nin 2 say gud bye 2 her...tat time i really cnnt control my noty tear juz like the water fall drop on the floor...i saw her was crying my memories 她拥有一把秀长而黝黑的头发...她拥有一双神气的眼神...她的笑容犹如天使般的甜美,应该是比天使更甜的笑容...她拥有一股比老师更强的力量...她拥用一个更爱助人的精神...当我看着她的背影渐渐的离我而去,带着悲伤离开了我...我的心情仿佛是如此般的难堪...我想她也是带着悲伤和不舍的心情离开...平时的笑声随着她的离去而慢慢的消失了...她走了...i vy hope tat the time cn b stop 4 one min...gv me 2 look at her tok vif her infront of me...i noe tat nw gt msn webcam n so nw i cnnt even touch her face her vif her...tok rubbish vif vif her...jogging vif her...sing song vif her...slp vif her in the same vif her...tok bout feature vif her...
I am so scared tat i cnnt stand up without her...she is the best teacher, the best sister in my life.. no one even cn sit her place in my life...she is the one hu vy und me,help me in homework n other thngs...when i nin her tat time she is the oli one cn help nw...she was left...i vy und tat she is vy lonely at there...if cn i wan 2 go there 2 study vif her...i wan 2 accompany her...i wan 2 cry vif her...nw she vy hope tat one is i cn go 4 nw i nin 2 study hard bcz of my important person in my life....i don wan disappointed 2 her...n i vy hope tat she will study smart at there n b my healthy sis at there...gambatte yi ji...^^i will support u always...

1 comment:

Unknown said...
