Thursday, December 23, 2010


Now having sem break... Back to hometown and home sweet home here.. But the sadness come true. I was very busy in Kl life and now I am so free and do nothing. Really a boring sem break to me.. When I do nothing and when I alone, my mind really feel empty and like to simply think things again.. Monday I went out with Sean , Bryan and Vivian. Suppose should be happy and not emo. Vivian bought us to cinema floor there and I thought him back.. He was with me there last time. I miss him suddenly, my mind came out with him again. I really hate that feeling. I am alone here , Sean smsing with me. He was my EX too... Bryan is his brother and he was last time too.... I met them back and the feeling of missing came back .. I saw Joshua in JJ that means he is in Ipoh too.. Am I right? Did he still remember what he promised to me? I hate the feeling of alone and missing alone here... I should delete the memories that he gave to me...

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