Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Finally Finished my History of Art artwork....

Venus at the mirror===> The Rock Venus.

The Anatomy Lesson===> The Turkey Lesson

The Turkey Lesson.
Is Mr Bean....
Frame hand made by us....

The Rock Venus.
Used real broom to made her hair, made it like 3D effect
Real product of Gatsby moving rubber
Promote the Gatsby moving rubber

Is me with two Panda eyes.

Happy that finished our artwork.

R''' O''''C''''K''' Venus....
My eyes almost can't open at all.

AWESOME MAN!!!! I love my HOA artwork as well.... We did it two days and just sleep 3 to 4 hours to rush our final project... We went to Shirley's house to finish it and have our fun there... Today my classmate asked us to show her our artwork.. And that time I started to be a leader , and I din't knew it... Shock man!!! our lecturer felt surprise of our artwork... She said that really shock and surprise that we will do that.... We are the only one group to do that....

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