Tuesday, July 19, 2011


F***!!!! I wouldn't like to scold rude word here.
But I really really angry about that.
Why you all always last min only let me know.
Why always happened this fucking shit stuff .
Damn it...
Ask me how to settle it?
Tell me?

Monday, July 18, 2011


I am searching what I wanna do now.
Confuse!!! confuse!!! confuse!!!
Even having a break now, but I still can feel the heavy stress that make me can't breath.
Finally that I know I am lost now.
Where am I? Where should I start from here?
Am I starting to run or I still keep walking and standing here?
Last night can't sleep well and even I sleep I fall into a scary dream.
Dream a lot of stuff that I thinking to do.
It was a nightmare.

I really need someone to guide me now.

Having semester break now again.
Don't know why I feel very stress.
I suppose distress now, but I din't feel anything now.
Mum told me if I register PTPTN, I can't oversea after graduate.
But what can I do?
This is my only way I can do for myself.
Is 240 now, I can't sleep now.
In this semester, I found out myself is so scary?
What am I doing?
What happened to me?
I really wish to know.
I feel that I am changing and change a lot.
Change to very scary, I totally can't recognize myself already.
I really need someone guide me and I need someone talk to me.

Friday, July 8, 2011

A love will harm you.

Don't know why, you make me worry about you.
I saw your pain from your heart.
But you don't want to tell people about that.
Will you feel happy?
Some day, I try to make you smile , play with you , make you happy because I don't wish you sad and emo like last time.
Some told me about you loving chasing her.
Ya, I can see it and you already know she rejected you, but why you still want to force yourself to make her love you?
Love can't force.
I know that call love,but I really don't wish you gave people said you are stupid and so on.
I feel so sad and pain about that, because you are my friend.
I hope you can stop it, and of cause I don't wish you to unhappy again.
If you feel want to tell others about your secret, I will always here for you.
Just out your word. Let me get into your world.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Semester break again soon.

Already get in to my course major.
This is the short semester and it really rush for every subject that I take in this semester.
Every semester need to go through a lot of things and learn a lot of different things like moral, attitude on assignment and etc.
Feel very happy in this semester, wondering why also.
I don't wish to happen same thing like last semester.
I am trying to open minded and relax myself here.
Want to be a open- minded designer.
I already came back from Sunway, feel distress here... super and super distress here.
Relax, without stress.
Ya, sometime stress make people move , but my stress make me feel like dying.
Can't breathe at all. OMG!!!!
So what I did in this few days?
I went to bought some snack here to bring back to Sunway tomorrow.
Go back again, and stress again... scary...
The life there is really really scary isn't because of human there because I already use to it.
Is because my assignment. My lovely Simon ( assignment).
Many people thought study design is just a very simple things.
NO~ they are wrong, imagine if we din't have any idea for out artwork, where are we going to vomit out?
Idea will kill us. OKOK!!!
Open-minded, don't care what people said.