Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I can't breath at all...

Suddenly have that feeling to kill myself when I am having super big pressure here. I post " I can't breath at all." in my MSN personal status in the whole day. Ate bread for my meal in 3 to 4 days. Without protein and nutrient. So now when I breath I feel my gastric pain again. Not a normal gastric pain. And I am trying to do my assignment, my lovely buddy Yan , comment me and ask how about me. She is the first and the only one who care and take note on my status. She always help me, comfort me and support me when I having trouble and stress here. Some time when I am emo and sad , I don't know go where to find a person to talk, but she is the one who automatically came and ask me. I am so glad and touch that I have a buddy like her. Even my parents also din't call me and ask about my life here, I wish they know there. I know everyone having a same stress and tension too, but I think my stress is double than them, the reason why just Yan will know about it. The time passed so fast, dateline of final is coming soon. In this semester, I like did nothing. And can't see my improvement at all, what the problem to me? I really need to have a big big rest without thinking any idea of assignment and project. I am really lack of idea now.....................................

Saturday, March 19, 2011

REST, but not ME

Shut down my phone.
Off the line of facebook and MSN.
Lock myself in the room with the table lamp.

Let them REST one day.
Listen to the soft music.
Listen to the bird singing.
With the cold wind.
Do my assignment Silently.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

I am nobody T________T

I live is because of you all.
I die is because of myself.
Because I am nobody in your heart.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I am so Foolish!!!!

Again and again....
Before I sleep I will wish that hope can see him tomorrow again....
Before I sleep I will wish him have a nice day and have a sweet dream....
Before I sleep I will wish we will meet in the dream...
Before I sleep I will wish my dream come true...
Before I sleep I hope my foolish thinking is true....
Maybe that really immature, but I really wish to have it.... XD

Tuesday, March 15, 2011





Monday, March 14, 2011

他的微笑。 =)

记得上个星期三,是快要上drawing class, Computer Graphic 完了就和一班女朋友去吃午餐。
在明天,我们遇见刚好要离开的junior, 然后把他们的位子让了给我们。
当时的我啊!满脑都是assignment和final project。真的很烦啊!

Sunday, March 13, 2011



Friday, March 11, 2011

Look back and think back.

I am emo , sometimes is because of the assignment. But I already use to it.
In one day, I felt I did somethings wrong, I went to apologize to my friends and also asked about my mistake.
They said I didn't make any mistake, maybe I really think a lot of it.
So, I tried to text my buddy-Yan. And told her my story and she told a lot of things and comfort me too. In that time, I thought back the passed time that we were in secondary school. We are mature now. The thinking of us are different compare with last time, it should be happy. But I was really immature and damn stupid, I told Yan and myself I won't make the same mistake again. In this few days, I didn't crazy as last time, before I do something I will think before. My dad always think 3 times before you do that thing. Last time, I really didn't listen to him. But now, I find out why he told me that. Is because he loves me, he don't want me to get hurt and distort my life and future. Sometime must get hurt, no pain no gain. And learn from the mistake. Maybe now isn't late that I wake up now, but I really can't forgive the mistake that I did. What should I do now? I don't wish to make them disappointed to me again, I didn't said out the mistake to them. Passed is passed , Over is over. Forget the pass, select the future. Look back and think back the mistake that you did and learn from it. Make sure you won't do that again. =)

Life~ Part 1.

Everyone born out to this world they may need to accept the challenge in this crazy world.
Everyone sure will did somethings wrong and made themselves can't live in this world anymore. So they kill themselves in a secret way. Ya, maybe they didn't know and think about their friends and family will sad. But we should understand them and respect their situation. People said nothing that can't solve in this world, say out, cry out or let it pass with the time. Ya, it will feel better, everyone maybe will forgive them or even the God too. But the only one can't forgive is themselves.
Sometimes, when I am alone I will think about a lot of things. Why people will never give up and live in this world, even how poor they are or how ugly they are, no one will accept them. But they really word hard and study hard to get back to confident from people and the dignity too.
But when I saw those rich people wasting foods, their time and money, if the time they really break down, I won't help them and pity them. These kind of people they are useless. And a lot of people because of money to do somethings wrong to earn money. Money is really important to this world that I can understand everyone will like rich people a lot. Money that can buy a lot of things of cause, but a very funny thing is money will harm people to lost a lot of things too. Example like friendship, family ship, and also their beauty in the heart. The social now is very reality ,everyone likes beauty from outside. Is this important? Nope!!!! I disagree. Beauty is from heart and not the look. When you say people fat, super thin, very short and etc please think about how the feeling if you give people say like that? And also think about yourself is it prefect or not?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Sun and the Sunflowers.

The Sun will always never know the story behind of the sunflowers.

Sunflower always very confident stand straight and smile to the Sun. Acting like it is very happy and confident. Because of that, the Sun will never ask sunflower about unhappy things. But as we know, sunflower will wilt when sunset.

One day, the Moon met sunflower and ask " Why are you so unhappy there? I though you are always is a very happy flowers in this world. No troubles, and very friendly too."
Sunflower answered "I am just acting happy and confident in front of the Sun and day. I want everyone be happy like me too. I keep my sadness in night, because that no one will know and see actually I am sad here. I don't wish to bring the sadness to everyone. Life should be happy. Although how sad am I, I will always act strong and tough in front of the sun. But I will tired, I wilt when you are here because you and night will understand me."

In this story, I think everyone is acting the same character like sunflower. Who will understand you? This world just have one or two person will really understand the story behind of you. I like sunflower because I am acting the same character of it. Happy it doesn't need money to get it. I am so happy and glad that I have Moon and night will understand me.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

