Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Sun and the Sunflowers.

The Sun will always never know the story behind of the sunflowers.

Sunflower always very confident stand straight and smile to the Sun. Acting like it is very happy and confident. Because of that, the Sun will never ask sunflower about unhappy things. But as we know, sunflower will wilt when sunset.

One day, the Moon met sunflower and ask " Why are you so unhappy there? I though you are always is a very happy flowers in this world. No troubles, and very friendly too."
Sunflower answered "I am just acting happy and confident in front of the Sun and day. I want everyone be happy like me too. I keep my sadness in night, because that no one will know and see actually I am sad here. I don't wish to bring the sadness to everyone. Life should be happy. Although how sad am I, I will always act strong and tough in front of the sun. But I will tired, I wilt when you are here because you and night will understand me."

In this story, I think everyone is acting the same character like sunflower. Who will understand you? This world just have one or two person will really understand the story behind of you. I like sunflower because I am acting the same character of it. Happy it doesn't need money to get it. I am so happy and glad that I have Moon and night will understand me.

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