Friday, March 11, 2011

Life~ Part 1.

Everyone born out to this world they may need to accept the challenge in this crazy world.
Everyone sure will did somethings wrong and made themselves can't live in this world anymore. So they kill themselves in a secret way. Ya, maybe they didn't know and think about their friends and family will sad. But we should understand them and respect their situation. People said nothing that can't solve in this world, say out, cry out or let it pass with the time. Ya, it will feel better, everyone maybe will forgive them or even the God too. But the only one can't forgive is themselves.
Sometimes, when I am alone I will think about a lot of things. Why people will never give up and live in this world, even how poor they are or how ugly they are, no one will accept them. But they really word hard and study hard to get back to confident from people and the dignity too.
But when I saw those rich people wasting foods, their time and money, if the time they really break down, I won't help them and pity them. These kind of people they are useless. And a lot of people because of money to do somethings wrong to earn money. Money is really important to this world that I can understand everyone will like rich people a lot. Money that can buy a lot of things of cause, but a very funny thing is money will harm people to lost a lot of things too. Example like friendship, family ship, and also their beauty in the heart. The social now is very reality ,everyone likes beauty from outside. Is this important? Nope!!!! I disagree. Beauty is from heart and not the look. When you say people fat, super thin, very short and etc please think about how the feeling if you give people say like that? And also think about yourself is it prefect or not?

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