Friday, March 11, 2011

Look back and think back.

I am emo , sometimes is because of the assignment. But I already use to it.
In one day, I felt I did somethings wrong, I went to apologize to my friends and also asked about my mistake.
They said I didn't make any mistake, maybe I really think a lot of it.
So, I tried to text my buddy-Yan. And told her my story and she told a lot of things and comfort me too. In that time, I thought back the passed time that we were in secondary school. We are mature now. The thinking of us are different compare with last time, it should be happy. But I was really immature and damn stupid, I told Yan and myself I won't make the same mistake again. In this few days, I didn't crazy as last time, before I do something I will think before. My dad always think 3 times before you do that thing. Last time, I really didn't listen to him. But now, I find out why he told me that. Is because he loves me, he don't want me to get hurt and distort my life and future. Sometime must get hurt, no pain no gain. And learn from the mistake. Maybe now isn't late that I wake up now, but I really can't forgive the mistake that I did. What should I do now? I don't wish to make them disappointed to me again, I didn't said out the mistake to them. Passed is passed , Over is over. Forget the pass, select the future. Look back and think back the mistake that you did and learn from it. Make sure you won't do that again. =)

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