Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I can't breath at all...

Suddenly have that feeling to kill myself when I am having super big pressure here. I post " I can't breath at all." in my MSN personal status in the whole day. Ate bread for my meal in 3 to 4 days. Without protein and nutrient. So now when I breath I feel my gastric pain again. Not a normal gastric pain. And I am trying to do my assignment, my lovely buddy Yan , comment me and ask how about me. She is the first and the only one who care and take note on my status. She always help me, comfort me and support me when I having trouble and stress here. Some time when I am emo and sad , I don't know go where to find a person to talk, but she is the one who automatically came and ask me. I am so glad and touch that I have a buddy like her. Even my parents also din't call me and ask about my life here, I wish they know there. I know everyone having a same stress and tension too, but I think my stress is double than them, the reason why just Yan will know about it. The time passed so fast, dateline of final is coming soon. In this semester, I like did nothing. And can't see my improvement at all, what the problem to me? I really need to have a big big rest without thinking any idea of assignment and project. I am really lack of idea now.....................................

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