Tuesday, May 10, 2011

First day of 3rd semester!!!!

Went to class today at 10am.
What is my feeling of today?
Excited? Nervous? Happy?
No!!!! I am worrying....
Will I going to meet a same things like last semester?
I am scare!!!!
What can I do?
I think a lot today.
They had a lunch together but I din't join.
I feel like I need to keep away from them.
Is it because of I am scare to get hurt again?
I don't know.
I feel stress and tension.
This is what my feeling now..
Just now, I went dinner with my orientation friends, that we had been together for one year.
Xiow Yin is a friend that with a same birthday with me.
She asked me, when she looked my side face.
She feel that I am lonely and unhappy, asked me is it everything ok?
I answered yes!!!! I just woke up.. no worry, I am fine here.
I believe that she know what happened to me, because I told her before.
Ya!!! She is right! I am sad here. And worrying a lot of things...
Oh God!!! Please help me..... What should I do?
What is the next step?

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