Saturday, May 28, 2011

Went out at midnight with a bicycle.

Wah... That not cool seriously. Every time I will very nervous when I cycle with my course mate in the big road outside our garden. They live so far away from our college and they need a bicycle to class, otherwise they will late to class... Every time when I was at their house, they will always go out and some time no choice I need to follow. Because of some issue. And that issue is scary too, some time I don wish to happen and it happen. Today is Friday, Pyramid is a very scary place when midnight. I was so scare that I was cycled with my mate and a lot of people drunk there, they drive very fast and some of them don't even see us. Or maybe the bicycle is too tall for me too so I can't break some times. I can't imagine if I have an accident here what will happen going on... Just don't think too much and think positive...

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