Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Sometime really wish to give up!!!

Human being is so scary now.
Even man , woman or my classmate.
I am getting start to scare them.
New semester is coming soon.
Going back to Sunway soon.
But now I really feel stress the life there.
Yan had gave up.
Should I?
The life there are so crazy and silly.
They even don't care your dying or living there.
At there sometime is really hard to find a real friends there.
Even u bring your heart to friend with them, maybe they aren't.
They always said "you should say out! Let us know what are you thinking."
But I prefer I just keep quiet and talking nothing there.
This is what I want.
In my patient, I already live there have been one year.
In this short one year, I really learned a lot of things.
I know how to protect myself and see through all friends who is a right friend.
Thanks God!!!! He guard me, He lead me.
I understand I should stand straight and look clear.
The end of this semester, really thanks her to helped me.
I am so glad to have a friend like her. Thanks Yik Hua.
Between that, I knew I had a group of selfish friends.
They din't even care about me.
Why should I live because of them.
They are really bullshit.
So what. huh?
I should live with those people who treat me right.
Forget about who don't.
Life is short. Art is long.
This is what my lecturer- Daniel told me.
Live because of own-self.
Create more art and design.
Make the world full of art and design.
Do what you want to do and what you thinking now.
Why are you still sitting there.?
Come on!!! Moving!!!!
And stop the give up thinking.....

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