Saturday, October 30, 2010

It was a very funny surprise to dad and mum...

Yesterday suddenly took bus back home... Wish to give daddy and mummy a surprised one... HAHA!!! It was really adventure day yesterday because I haven know how to take bus and KTM back Ipoh yet.. Then non stop asked Jane and Yin Yee. But I also took taxi and bus back... 2 somethings I called mum and asked her where she is and is it daddy free at 3 somethings? At 3 somethings I miss called dad and mum and they called me back. I told them can you all guy come to fetch me now? I at Ipoh already. When I get in the car, daddy and mummy said : sometimes don't know let you hak sei or gek sei... Then I non stop laughing and said miss you all mah... When my younger sister back home also shock that I'm home.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Don't know what feeling I having now.

Din't went to work yesterday because of some issue. My house owner put a magazine under my door and I saw a thing that I am finding nowadays. Is it arranged by god? And after that I called Nicole to ask for it... And tried to tell Jane about my planing. After Jane home she told me a lot of the speech that she went. And I told him about the senior also. WE really crazy!!! Really sot talking about the guys that we like.. haha... Finally he approve me back, I was so happy and run to Jane's room and she wanted to tell me this good news of he approved Jane too... I was jumping and so happy that time. He really a cute person, feel like like him deeper. I really scare the feeling now, because don't know is it true that I like him or what. What a stupid thing that I always dream... Hate it....

Picture edited....

Was a very free yesterday, ready to have lunch with my god-sister but, suddenly cancel already. After make up and dress up took a few picture in my wonderland. Was a emotional portrait.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

I think I understand what his meant....

Finally I found out what his meant already!
Should I give up or what?
What should I do...
I wish it just was a dream,
wish to happen nothing,
wish to see nothing,
and wish to stop dreaming.
I'm so down and stupid here.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I was so high in class yesterday....

Yesterday went to Joyce's house until 5 some things and went back home to have a nap and continue my class at 9. I was late and I was rushing like a crazy people. Who know no one tell me the class changed to 230p.m. I got a bit angry but whatever lah since I haven finish my Computer Graphic , and I did it in class. CG lab 1 got class need to have class and I went to CG lab 2 to continue my assignment... Suddenly Joyce called me, and she said my senior was in library. WOW ~ I was so happy and run to library. I'm really crazy, he really attracted me that time, but I still need to finish my assignment first so, I went back CG lab2 and the door there can see through the library. OMG!!!! Why? After saw him and I fell my battery was full... Crazy!!!! In class I was so crazy and so high... Kept crazy laughing there and my classmate beh tahan me also... But I'm still remember how he wore and his look... @@ fainted ....

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Find out that I fall in love with a senior secretly in my college....

When i fell hungry in the mid-night while I'm rushing my assignment, I will asked Shen go yum cha in mamak with me. Every time I went there I will saw him there with his friends too. In college I will put all my attention on him when he was near by me. I thought myself just admired him and din't care about this kind of feeling and just want to pay more attention on my study only. One day I went to Joyce's house and Jayis was there too. When we wanna back home the time he said he was hungry and I went to mamak with him. We long time din't see and he told me a lot his story to me. Suddenly I saw a my-vi car outside and I saw him, that time his expression attracted me, and I very naturally touched my side hair to my ear-side. OMG!!! What am I doing that time??? I din't did that before when I saw a guy. That time Jayis was talking there and I just put all my attention on him only. After the day I went mamak with Toby them again but I din't see him and I fell really sad and without mood. I asked my house-mate did they have a classmate like him in their class? They said no... Upset there... Yesterday when I back home and I saw my house-mate's girl-friend and I asked her and finally she said her class got a guy like that... I was so happy and search him in facebook. Finally I searched him in facebook the whole night. He really cute,although he is thin and short,but I like his expression. But very disappointed that always I like a guy and the guy won't like me at all. And I will always have the same feeling every time. And I will know that the dream always just a dream.... T_________T

Friday, October 22, 2010

Yesterday was my first day to work in the Lawyer company...

Woke up early in the morning because of the noisy stupid sound, took my bath and SMS to lawyer Wong. When i reached the office, those staff not really welcome me. Maybe they really busy or maybe I just work two days and some more the Company boss is my god-sister. The job yesterday quite confuse to me , because I can't understand the staff meaning. I asked and asked but no respond never mind I solve it myself. My God-sister reached office and took a look of me and asked me is it okay? I said "Ya , sure." Actually the company there quite complicated but I just keep quiet there and just do my work. I hate people using those vision to me. After work called Mummy and let her know I was super fine in office. Actually I'm not, just wearing a mask only. I did a lot of things I just because of my parents and my family only.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Back to Wonderland~

Went back to my lovely home to relax and finish my assignment in 4 days. Today daddy fetched me back to my Wonderland again and then pack all the thing. And had lunch with my prince and princess.. Hehe.. Home sweet Home~ Love them so much. Although a lot of things happened in front of me but I still need to face and solve it. What to do. And none of my business too.. But I don't want to see them unhappy again. So what I'm going to do the next, I hope they will forgive me.I just wish to see the happy smile on their face again.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

My finished art packaging assignment~

Hahaha... Finally finished my packaging assignment. Wow~ it needed me a lot of time to do. I went to pyramid, Ipoh parade , Jusco and Internet to do a lot of research. But I feel weird on my assignment. So I tried to show this box to my family and friends , they like it so much.I can't believe. YES, I should be more confident on it... YEAH!!!!^^
Product= Perfume
Event=Valentine's day and Mother's day.

When the box opened.. The purple paper net can hang ear-ring.
And when the perfume bottle finished
The box can keep make up materials.

The box design like a present box to girl-friend and mummy..^^

Friday, October 8, 2010


Don't know what wrong to me this few days... Having a very bad gastric.. Super pain here... Eat medicine also no use on it... I take my meal like last time but how come now only pain? After my meal i will feel like wanna eat other thing again, and always feel like wanna eat alot of thing... Gastric nevermind but don't know why I will feel faint and super headache when I went for jogging or straight away walking stair to 3rd floor in college... I really wanna find out what is my problem. What can I do now? Let my parents know or how? If let them know just will make them more worry. HAIZ~~~~~ I don't want the pain anymore now!!! PLEASE GET AWAY FROM ME!!!!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I feel happy live without you~

HAHA~ Today went for my History of art lesson. Feel super sleepy of the movie and beh tahan slept in class. After my class, waiting classmate outside the class and i saw my X classmate Yvonne, she said " How come you getting more beautiful? Maybe because of your hair.." haha funny.. But anyway thanks her. After lunch, still gastric and faster walked back home. Had a nap and Jocye called me, asked me for dinner. Haven take bath yet and I tied my hair up. In the way she said wanna go vision art buy somethings and I wanna go All Day to have a drink. Sorry toby didn't ask you out. Because just woke up and don't know where you are. But very funny one is Yik Hwa scared wrong people...WAKAKAKA!!!! Feel happy everyday shopping in pyramid. Yesterday bought a beg with Jocye. After shopping went to Jocye's house to take back my figure and Yik Hwa said " Voon Bin, you look young today!!!!" HAHA... TQ!!! I will keep it!!! Thanks everyone =)


I had a lot of dream these few days...
Dream him again...
Hate the dream...
I went to hang out with friends and make more friends to forget him...
But the dream make me think him back...
But just a few days...
I'm happy that the time bring along me to forget him...
How he looks like, almost can't remember...
Thanks Jesus to accompany me when I was Emo and alone...