Friday, October 29, 2010

Don't know what feeling I having now.

Din't went to work yesterday because of some issue. My house owner put a magazine under my door and I saw a thing that I am finding nowadays. Is it arranged by god? And after that I called Nicole to ask for it... And tried to tell Jane about my planing. After Jane home she told me a lot of the speech that she went. And I told him about the senior also. WE really crazy!!! Really sot talking about the guys that we like.. haha... Finally he approve me back, I was so happy and run to Jane's room and she wanted to tell me this good news of he approved Jane too... I was jumping and so happy that time. He really a cute person, feel like like him deeper. I really scare the feeling now, because don't know is it true that I like him or what. What a stupid thing that I always dream... Hate it....

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