Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I was so high in class yesterday....

Yesterday went to Joyce's house until 5 some things and went back home to have a nap and continue my class at 9. I was late and I was rushing like a crazy people. Who know no one tell me the class changed to 230p.m. I got a bit angry but whatever lah since I haven finish my Computer Graphic , and I did it in class. CG lab 1 got class need to have class and I went to CG lab 2 to continue my assignment... Suddenly Joyce called me, and she said my senior was in library. WOW ~ I was so happy and run to library. I'm really crazy, he really attracted me that time, but I still need to finish my assignment first so, I went back CG lab2 and the door there can see through the library. OMG!!!! Why? After saw him and I fell my battery was full... Crazy!!!! In class I was so crazy and so high... Kept crazy laughing there and my classmate beh tahan me also... But I'm still remember how he wore and his look... @@ fainted ....

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