Friday, October 22, 2010

Yesterday was my first day to work in the Lawyer company...

Woke up early in the morning because of the noisy stupid sound, took my bath and SMS to lawyer Wong. When i reached the office, those staff not really welcome me. Maybe they really busy or maybe I just work two days and some more the Company boss is my god-sister. The job yesterday quite confuse to me , because I can't understand the staff meaning. I asked and asked but no respond never mind I solve it myself. My God-sister reached office and took a look of me and asked me is it okay? I said "Ya , sure." Actually the company there quite complicated but I just keep quiet there and just do my work. I hate people using those vision to me. After work called Mummy and let her know I was super fine in office. Actually I'm not, just wearing a mask only. I did a lot of things I just because of my parents and my family only.

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