Saturday, October 30, 2010

It was a very funny surprise to dad and mum...

Yesterday suddenly took bus back home... Wish to give daddy and mummy a surprised one... HAHA!!! It was really adventure day yesterday because I haven know how to take bus and KTM back Ipoh yet.. Then non stop asked Jane and Yin Yee. But I also took taxi and bus back... 2 somethings I called mum and asked her where she is and is it daddy free at 3 somethings? At 3 somethings I miss called dad and mum and they called me back. I told them can you all guy come to fetch me now? I at Ipoh already. When I get in the car, daddy and mummy said : sometimes don't know let you hak sei or gek sei... Then I non stop laughing and said miss you all mah... When my younger sister back home also shock that I'm home.

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