Sunday, October 24, 2010

Find out that I fall in love with a senior secretly in my college....

When i fell hungry in the mid-night while I'm rushing my assignment, I will asked Shen go yum cha in mamak with me. Every time I went there I will saw him there with his friends too. In college I will put all my attention on him when he was near by me. I thought myself just admired him and din't care about this kind of feeling and just want to pay more attention on my study only. One day I went to Joyce's house and Jayis was there too. When we wanna back home the time he said he was hungry and I went to mamak with him. We long time din't see and he told me a lot his story to me. Suddenly I saw a my-vi car outside and I saw him, that time his expression attracted me, and I very naturally touched my side hair to my ear-side. OMG!!! What am I doing that time??? I din't did that before when I saw a guy. That time Jayis was talking there and I just put all my attention on him only. After the day I went mamak with Toby them again but I din't see him and I fell really sad and without mood. I asked my house-mate did they have a classmate like him in their class? They said no... Upset there... Yesterday when I back home and I saw my house-mate's girl-friend and I asked her and finally she said her class got a guy like that... I was so happy and search him in facebook. Finally I searched him in facebook the whole night. He really cute,although he is thin and short,but I like his expression. But very disappointed that always I like a guy and the guy won't like me at all. And I will always have the same feeling every time. And I will know that the dream always just a dream.... T_________T

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